
Effective ideas come from solid understanding. We are well-versed in all forms of qualitative and quantitative research. We team with our clients to determine the most effective ways to uncover new insights. And, we can harness the creativity and knowledge of dozens, hundreds or even thousands of stakeholders by using proven co-creation methodologies.

Making sound brand and marketing decisions cannot be done in the dark. Every brand-building exercise involves many critical choices that can determine whether your investment pays off or falls flat. At 1KG Brand, we know that research provides a critical underpinning of these important decisions and we offer a comprehensive research and analysis capability to support your branding efforts.

From qualitative discovery work, to brand valuation and financial impact modeling, to testing alternative strategies and execution elements, to tracking brand performance over time, we can help you learn what you need to know to move forward with confidence, based on the best and most complete insight available.

1KG Brand employs a comprehensive set of proven research methodologies that deliver deep insight and provide valuable input to our other services. These include:

·       Ethnographic/behavioral observation

·       In-depth, guided discussions

·       Co-creation forums

·       Focus groups

·       One-to-one interviews

·       Quantitative Internet/phone surveys

·       National/global on-line panels

This multifaceted approach offers significant advantages over a narrow research methodology. By applying varied methods and tools, our researchers are able to see the picture from many angles, not just a single point of view. We get both subjective, qualitative insight and objective, measurable metrics. We get the perspective of those in other regions, as well as those close to home. We get in-depth knowledge based on individual conversations, as well as broad impressions from focus groups. And, we give stakeholders a direct role in guiding the direction of the brand-building effort.

1KG Brand selection of research services is extensive, covering every key aspect of brand development. Our research engagements are always tailored, flexibly integrated and sequenced into appropriate phases of work, based on each client’s requirements. The available services include:

Brand strategy

·       Customer behavior/needs insight

·        Purchase and loyalty drivers

·       Market segmentation

·       Brand equities and liabilities

·       Competitive assessments

·       Employee sensibilities

·       Investor perspectives

·       Corporate sustainability priorities

·       Brand platform validation/refinement

·       Brand extension/portfolio rationalization

Design and nomenclature

·       Design testing/validation

·       Names/naming testing/validation

·       Messaging testing/validation

Brand management

·       Brand equity transfer management

·       Customer experience refinement

·       Brand performance tracking/scorecards

·       Brand valuation

·       Communications channel and mix assessment

User experience

·       Usability testing

·        Message testing and validation

·       Information design reviews

·       Performance and scalability